
Larus GMTI Plugin for STK

The developers at Larus have been hard at work on a new plugin to work with STK 10 from Analytical Graphics Inc.

STK is the premier simulation and systems package from AGI, a leader in the industry. Whether it’s evaluating satellite coverage, running full-blown DIS-enabled ISR simulations connected to a military exercise or doing some serious number crunching in the geospatial world, STK is the tool to use.

Our contribution through the AGI Marketplace Partner program is the Larus GMTI Plugin for STK. The plugin for STK 10 allows a simulated sensor to output real-world radar data as NATO Ground Moving Target Indicator Format (GMTIF), STANAG 4607, used by the US and other NATO countries. This enables streaming output of standards-compatible GMTI from any sensor platform in your scenario.

For example, your GlobalHawk UAV platform simulation may include EO/IR sensor coverage, but lacks any representation of radar. Now with the Larus GMTI plugin, it can emit GMTI format radar data to your simulation network and show a real-time footprint of the radar sensor in your GIS display. Users can not only visualize the radar, but thanks to STANAG 4607 interoperability, the GMTI streaming output can be picked by exploitation systems and used in Common Operating Picture (COP) displays for your exercise. The GMTI standards compliance means the radar data streaming from the plugin is ready to use with your fielded and deployed ISR systems. No bridging is required to get GMTI onto your network and situational awareness for your exercise operators is greatly increased.

The Larus GMTI Plugin brings a new level of fidelity to STK simulation and is fully configurable with JobID, Platform Identifier, Classification and other metadata that is crucial for an exercise or simulation. Our long history and experience with NATO, and US-led exercises has shown us that configuring metadata for your sensor is an important part of the exercise. You do not want to be the one participant outputting data with bad security markings!

If you are inclined to roll-your-own GIS display using STK Components such as Insight3D, our plugin is also fully compatible with the STK Components platform.

To cap it off, our team has put together a demonstration video of the plugin. This also marks the introduction of Larus on YouTube. Subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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